Friday, February 17, 3:30pm-4:30pm
Description: In this era when calls for anti-racist approaches and the rejection of anti-Blackness are reverberating in both US American society and across academia, it is critical that both institutions and professors take concrete steps to respond meaningfully. In this session, Black professors at multiple intersections of identity will discuss how their pedagogy, creative works and scholarship function as embodiments of the histories, cultures and communities racism and colonialism endeavored to silence, demean and destroy. They will also share how Arts and Communications programs in Predominantly White Institutions can intentionally and ethically make structural and pedagogical decisions that not only make space for but advance anti-racism.
Online Only
Pre-registration required:
Attendees should not share their confirmation link, as it will be unique to each participant.
Spark Prompts are a tool to generate curiosity and interest in this year's Teach-In on Race sessions. The presenters have generated the following prompts as a way to spark dialogue while also inviting attendees to deepen their learning by reflecting on the sessions themselves.
Spark Prompt(s)
Resisting Anti-Blackness through Anti-Racist Pedagogical Lenses (for faculty-faculty dialog)
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