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Teach-in on Race 2023

Session 3: Naming the Invisible: Deconstructing What Really Happens When We Talk and Teach about Race… and What Happens When We Don’t

Thursday, October 28, 4:00pm-5:30pm

Description: In this session, participants will use embodied learning strategies to dialogue, express, connect, and co-construct meaning together. Using an inquiry-oriented approach to teaching, we will make use of several creative teaching strategies in sequence to unpack and discuss race, equity, power, and justice as it manifests in the university classroom. Come ready to explore, play, learn, and listen! This session is limited to 25 faculty members.


  • Joshua Streeter, Assistant Professor, Emerson College


Room 517, Paramount Building
55 Washington St, Boston, MA 02116

Open to Emerson Faculty Only, Limited Capacity
Pre-registration Required:

Spark Prompts

Spark Prompts are a tool to generate curiosity and interest in this year's Teach-In on Race sessions. The presenters have generated the following prompts as a way to spark dialogue while also inviting attendees to deepen their learning by reflecting on the sessions themselves.

Spark Prompt(s)

  • Journal for 5-10 minutes on "Power" - consider who has power (in general), how power is maintained (in the world), what power you do/don't have in the classroom, and the positional power you hold at Emerson.

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