The library offers:
- Adaptive technology workstation: Emerson College students, faculty, and staff with special adaptive technology needs have first priority for use of the Library's adaptive technology workstation for research purposes.
- scanner
- software that reads scanned or electronic text aloud (Kurzweil 3000 version 13.13)
- speech-to-text software (Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5)
- visual mapping software (Inspiration 9.1)
- word prediction software (Co:Writer 7)
- Computers, including laptops - Emerson IT Labs lists the types of computers we have available, and they also offer a chart of what software is on them
- DVD drives
- Scanners
- Printers - Print from our computers or from your own device
- Power charging stations
- Record player
- Tablets - iPads on wheels for browsing online magazine and film collections
Individual computers and study rooms on the 4th and 5th floors are equipped with DVD/CD playback equipment and may be used to view the Library's media collection.
Use of the Library's computers is governed by the College's Electronic Resources Acceptable Use Policy.