The Iwasaki Library CoLab is available to student organizations (official and otherwise) and individuals seeking event space on campus. We welcome events that are open to the entire Emerson community such as: class speeches/presentations, club meetings, guest speakers, information fairs, launch parties, panels, and workshops. Interested parties should see our listing on the Emerson Spacebook (login required). Please note: events must be booked 14 days in advance and can only be hold on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights or on weekends, as per our event policy. Preference is given to student organizations and for events that all may attend. The Library is particularly interested in hosting events that bring attention to IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, Sustainability) topics.
Please be sure to read our event policy on Spacebook! If your event is: a class meeting, a departmental meeting, only open to a private group, or on a Monday or Tuesday, your event will not be approved!
Beginning in 2013, the Iwasaki Library was made available as an event space to students; including official SGA organizations, unrecognized organizations, and individuals. The event program is part of the library's commitment to fostering student leadership and centering the library as a gathering place for the entire Emerson community.
The Iwasaki Library at Emerson College provides exhibition space to members of the Emerson College community and artists. The exhibition space is located at the entrance to the library, adjacent to two main study areas seating over 50 students. The Iwasaki Library selects submissions that will create an environment promoting student equality of access to a safe and supportive space for research, teaching, and learning.
The exhibit space available is mostly suitable for flat, hanging media such as photographs, paintings, and posters. Exhibits should have specific start and end dates, although the end date may be extended if the schedule allows. Typically, exhibits will be on display for one semester. Any member of the Emerson community can propose an exhibit by submitting a proposal to the exhibits coordinator.
Proposals will be evaluated by the Marketing & Events Team at least two times per year. Applicants will be notified within 2 weeks of the deadline.
Sample exhibits:
Please contact Elizabeth Apple for additional information.
The Iwasaki Library can also host collaborative book displays using book and media items from our collections. The book display is located to the right of Service Desk and has hosted many collaborations with student organizations such as Films from the Margin, EAGLE, and EBONI. Email us with any proposals.
If you are interested in creating a digital exhibit or project, please contact the Digital Access and Reference Archivist.
Phone: Call us at (617) 824-8668
Email: Email us at
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