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How to find, read, and download eBooks from the library.

Finding eBooks in EBSCO Multisearch

1. Start at Iwasaki Library Homepage

2. Make sure the Multisearch tab is selected.

  • Enter keywords into the search box

  • Select the "Full Text" option to limit your results to resources that are available online in full text. Please note that this filter is not perfectly reliable and some resources may be included that are not fully available

3. Locate the eBook you want to read

  • Because Multisearch includes so many resources, you might need to use more filters to find what you're looking for
    • Using Advanced Search to specify the Title and Author will get rid of a lot of results
    • Under Source Types, pick eBooks to only see results in that format
    • You can click "All filters" under the search bar to access more hidden filters

4. Select "Access now (eBook)" for EBSCO eBooks. For eBooks from other platforms click "Access options", then choose the appropriate option:

  • For most eBooks, use the option that says "Full text (Emerson users only)"
  • EBSCO may allow you to choose between EPUB and PDF formats before the eBook opens
  • If you don't see any access options, check the top of the page for a gray bar that says "Welcome, Guest. Sign in to your institution for full access to your library’s resources." Click this and log in to EZProxy to get access.

5. Sign in to EZProxy if prompted. You can now read the eBook online or download chapters

  • Availability of online reading, chapter download, and full eBook download depends on the eBook platform and restrictions imposed by publishers. See Reading Ebooks Online and Downloading Ebooks for more information.