Thursday, November 21 2024, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Boaz Paldi is a campaigns, partnership , advocacy and communications expert, experienced in leading major international organizations in all outreach campaigns and public relations needs. As the Chief Creative Officer at UNDP, he recently launched both the #DontChooseExtinction and the #WeatherKids campaigns.
In this session, Boaz will discuss the work he does at UNDP—one of the main UN bodies to oversee the SDGs—the importance of communication to the global sustainability effort, and why Emerson is a perfect spot for a major in Sustainability Communication. He will tell us why everything we teach and do here—film making, marketing, journalism, performing arts, everything—is crucial to the global sustainability effort. In Boaz’s words, communication is the missing link in moving us toward a just transition. Emerson can make that happen.
Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Bright Family Screening Room Washington St. Boston, MA 02116
This session focuses on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
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