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Women's History Month

Importance of Women's History

The National Women's History Alliance (NWHA), was expanded from the National Women's History Project in 2018 in order to better advocate for women's stories and highlight the impact of women throughout history. In 1987, the organization spearheaded the creation of National Women's History Month. 

When discussing why Women's History is important, the organization explains "The impact of women’s history might seem abstract to some, and less pressing than the immediate struggles of working women today. But to ignore the vital role that women’s dreams and accomplishments play in our own lives would be a great mistake. We draw strength and inspiration from those who came before us – and those remarkable women working among us today. They are part of our story, and a truly balanced and inclusive history recognizes how important women have always been in American society."

Learn more about NWHA and Women's History Month here.

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