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For Departments

Designing Program Outcomes

All academic programs at Emerson are expected to have program level learning outcomes that describe the learning and capabilities of program graduates. The Office of Academic Assessment (OAA) is available to collaborate with departments to periodically review and revise program outcomes to ensure that they accurately reflect the curriculum. Additionally, the student learning outcomes assessment conducted by the Learning, Equity, and Assessment Program (LEAP) is used by departments as evidence of student learning for external program reviews and NECHE accreditation visits. 

Department chairs with upcoming program reviews, departments wishing to revise their outcomes, and those considering proposing new programs are encouraged to reach out to OAA as we are happy to help facilitate this work. A sample of the type of program outcomes review template we use with departments is linked below.

Outcomes Review Template

OAA staff can customize this template for your department or program, research peer and aspirant institutions' existing outcomes, and facilitate departmental discussions.