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For Departments

Course-Level vs. Program-Level Assessment

Course-level assessment focuses on evaluating student learning within a specific course. It helps faculty understand how well students have mastered the course objectives and content. This type of assessment often involves quizzes, projects, general participation, etc. The primary goal is to improve teaching and learning with that particular course. 


Program-level assessment, on the other hand, takes a broader view. It examines the overall effectiveness of an academic program in meeting its stated learning outcomes. This involves collecting and analyzing data from multiple courses with the program to determine if students are achieving the program's goals. Program assessment is essential for making informed decisions about curriculum, resources, and faculty development. For more information on how OAA engages in program-level assessment, see our page on the Learning, Equity, and Assessment Program

Program-Level Assessment

Program-level assessment of student learning takes place through work of the Learning, Equity, and Assessment Program (LEAP) Fellows.

Our Services

The Office of Academic Assessment provides assistance planning, designing, and implementing academic assessment of student learning at the course, department/program, and institutional levels.


We work with individual faculty members and offer:

  • Consultations to discuss, design and/or revise student learning outcomes
  • Consultations to discuss, design and/or revise course assignments
  • Consultations to provide resources for redesigning objectives or assignments based on faculty members' analysis of student learning in their courses
  • Survey design assistance for assessment of student learning
  • Research assistance if you are seeking assessment resources not currently addressed on this site


  • Working with the LEAP Fellows from each department, we assist departments as they plan and implement cyclical assessment of student work to demonstrate achievement of departmental learning outcomes
  • We also offer feedback and assistance with curricular mapping of departmental objectives


  • The Office of Academic Assessment participates in the NECHE reaccreditation process by collecting, maintaining, and making available information about the College's assessment practices.

What we don't do:

  • Evaluate faculty's teaching
  • Review course evaluation data

Where to find us:

  • The Office of Academic Assessment is located on the 4th floor of the Walker Building, next to the Instructional Technology Group. We are currently available on-campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and via Zoom during normal business hours.