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About Curriculum Mapping

What is Curriculum Mapping?

Curriculum mapping is a process that visually represents how student learning outcomes (SLOs) are addressed throughout a program of study. It allows faculty and staff to analyze how effectively a curriculum builds upon itself and ensures students develop the desired knowledge and skills.

Why Curriculum Mapping?

Emerson College is committed to continuous improvement and providing a high-quality education. Curriculum mapping offers several benefits:

  • Improved Student Learning: By ensuring consistent and progressive exposure to SLOs, curriculum mapping helps students develop a deeper understanding of and proficiency in key concepts.

  • Enhanced Program Coherence: Mapping reveals connections between courses and facilitates a more cohesive learning experience for students.

  • Faculty Collaboration: The process encourages collaboration among faculty, fostering communication and alignment in curriculum delivery.

  • Assessment and Evaluation: Curriculum maps provide a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum in achieving program goals.

How Does Curriculum Mapping Work?

The Office of Academic Assessment works with departments to identify program-level SLOs and develop curriculum maps. These maps consist of a grid that lists courses along one axis and SLOs along the other. The cells within the grid indicate how each SLO is addressed in a particular course (e.g., "Novice" "Developing," "Proficient," “Adept”).

Benefits for Students

Understanding how your courses contribute to your overall program of study can be empowering. Curriculum maps can help you:

  • Track your progress in meeting program learning outcomes.

  • Identify areas of focus and see how different courses build upon each other.

  • Engage in deeper learning by connecting concepts across courses.

Curriculum Mapping Video