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Teach-in on Sustainability 2023


Session 8: The EcoTok Strikes Back

Wednesday, March 29, 12:00pm-2:00pm



 This session begins with an informal chat with Kristy and Isaias—two climate educators/activists/entrepreneurs who are making an impact and their own careers in the fight for a sustainable tomorrow. They’ll discuss their best practices, challenges, and pathways for bringing environmental education to wider audiences online. They will also discuss the Ecotok collective, an online community space of emerging creators who are making sustainability accessible, inclusive, and trendy.  This section will allow time for Q&A with the audience.

The second part will focus on “Mapping Your Climate Career”—a hands-on workshop where participants break down and demystify their climate career pathway. There will also be an opportunity for personal storytelling/ branding, resume review, and discussion to leave students feeling more empowered to find a climate job and build the foundational blocks of their careers.


SPC Theatre, Little Building
80 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116

Sustainable Development Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action

The United Nations highlights the importance of this goal, stating "The global temperature has already risen 1.1ºC above the pre-industrial level, with glaciers melting and the sea level rising.  Impacts of climate change also includes flooding and drought, displacing millions of people, sinking them into poverty and hunger, denying them access to basic services, such as health and education, expanding inequalities, stifling economic growth and even causing conflict.   By 2030, an estimated 700 million people will be at risk of displacement by drought alone."

Read more about Goal 13 here.

Climate Activism Beyond Emerson

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Inspirational Activists

These activists or events were highlighted by the two presenters, Kristy Drutman and Isaias Hernandez, for their climate advocacy and actions.

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