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Teach-in on Sustainability 2023


Session 5: Decolonizing the Arts

Tuesday, March 28, 4:00pm-5:30pm


  • Ronee Penoi, ArtsEmerson Director of Artistic Programming
  • Erin M. Genia, multidisciplinary artist, educator and community organizer specializing in Native American and Indigenous arts and culture


So many of the structures in which we work are a legacy of colonization-power structures, artistic structures, aesthetic structures and even our understanding of the natural world. Understanding this and moving away from these structures is crucial. Decolonization as a practice and vision for society is increasingly entering conversations of how we build a more just world. But what exactly is decolonization, and where do we begin? Join us for an engaging workshop that illuminates how decolonization is key to sustainability efforts, providing pathways for those completely new to, or actively involved in, decolonization efforts.


Bill Bordy Theater, 216 Tremont St.
Boston, MA 02116

Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities

The United Nations created this goal to address inequalities existing in the world, explaining "Reducing inequalities and ensuring no one is left behind are integral to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Inequality within and among countries is a persistent cause for concern. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic appear to be reversing any positive trends of narrowing income inequality. The pandemic has also intensified structural and systemic discrimination. Emerging markets and developing economies are experiencing slow recoveries, widening disparities in income between countries. The number of refugees and migrant deaths worldwide reached the highest absolute number on record in 2021."

Read more about Goal 10 here.

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Boston's Artist In Residence: Erin Genia